Swim Lessons in Charleston

Swim Lessons in Charleston

Although the swim season never really ends in South Carolina, it sure gets a lot more popular when spring and summer hits. If you’ve never really been taught or have a young one that needs some aquatic engagement, it’s never too late to learn. Getting swim lessons is...
Control the Heat this Summer

Control the Heat this Summer

The extreme heat is one of the main reasons people in South Carolina own swimming pools. When you are drenched with sweat, there’s nothing better than immersing yourself in a pool that’s in your own backyard. The heat is not to be underestimated, though, as many...

Choosing a Pool Size that Is Just Right

If you have heard the story of Goldilocks then you know that some choices can be difficult. Whether its porridge or pools, choosing the one that is right for you can take some time. To help you choose the right-sized pool for your home, you need to break down the pros...

Do I have a Leak?

We see it every day: pool owners calling frantically because their pool is losing more than they ever remember. Hold tight! It may not be a true leak but simple evaporation. Our experience shows that a pool with no heater and no waterfalls or water features can lose...

Summer Swim Safety Tips

There are few things better than a nice, relaxing swim in a pool. The South Carolina weather can be beyond hot, and a refreshing dip is just what the body and mind needs. But remember, swimming pools require a bit of caution to ensure everyone has a safe and fun time....